вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


Actually, I only tried recording the replay with 2. I saved a panel state at the point at which I wanted to start recording. Your donation here helps to pay our bandwidth costs, emergency funding, and other general costs that crop up from time to time. Does anyone have fs recorder 2. I find that strange because all that is required to extend the flaps, be it during actual simulation or during a replay, is a press of the "flaps extend incrementally" button Which FSR is obviously capable of doing.

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It still won't work.

Fsrecorder 2.16

All times are GMT Fs recorder question By alandc10 in forum Newcomer Services. Donate to fsrfcorder annual general fund. I find that strange because all that is required to extend the flaps, be it during actual simulation or during a replay, fsercorder a press of the "flaps extend incrementally" button Which FSR is obviously capable of doing.

It appears that the flap positions and probably the flap lever position as well, although that can't be seen in the data window have been recorded but FSR somehow fails to get the information through to the plane at playback. I use ver 2. I have no idea whether it was the restart or the reinstallation that solved the problem.

FS Recorder site down

fsrecodder If this is your first visit, welcome! I decided to record it all over again, this time making sure all the boxes are checked. Thanks for 2.166 help, Gareth. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. So, it seems that if you want to record the NGX, you're probably better off using 2. I'll have to try 2. Has the website been shutdown completely or is it just down for maintenance.

Archived This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I shut down my computer for the night and uninstalled FSR 2.

Until you register you can read any of the articles on this page and also read messages in the forums. Double-check that everything is checked before you start recording the flight and make sure it is the latest version of FSrecorder by checking here: I then installed Farecorder 2.

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I've seen tons of NGX videos in which the flaps are working just fine, so I'm wondering fsrscorder is this caused by the plane not being compatible with FSRecorder or does FSR itself have some kind of bug that screws up the replay? If anoyone could reupload the files that would be great, ideally version 2. Anyways, I had a go at 2.

Thank you so much, friend. Please note that you will need to register to use many of the site's best features, including downloading files and posting messages. Frecorder March 12, Your donation here helps to pay our bandwidth costs, emergency funding, and other general costs that crop up from time to time.

We reset this goal every new year for the following year's goal. I saved a panel state at the point at which I wanted to start recording. Off to test 2. Results 1 to 10 of Classified, Want, Swap Ads. Do I have to keep an eye on the data window and extend the flaps manually as the position value changes?

I think the latest alpha version wasn't compatible with the plane. It worked it 2.

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