воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Post as a guest Name. I've noticed that when I mess up the paths auto-complete is a good gauge for this sort of thing. This problem seems to have revolved. Here is the solution that has been tested on and bit Windows: Add the following at the beginning of the header file: In the project file, I tried adding the path and library reference to the original places where the files are located at as: I wonder if somebody could help please. visa32 lib

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Follow their online instruction to install the MinGW-w64 Compiler addon.

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Many thanks in advance! You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. Which as far vissa32 the internet can tell me is happening because it's cutting of my path names after Program and before Files and appending the visa322 suffix.

There is an option in Qt Creator to set console output to actual system console. I am working on the improvement already, and will post them once I have finish, e. If it can, than prob the rest is OK.

Make sure you close console before try to compile.

Results 1 to 3 of 3. This problem seems to have revolved.

visa32 lib

There are two problems:. Automatically generated by qmake 2.

visa32 lib

Here is the solution that has been tested on and bit Windows:. Download and install 'MinGW-w64' from: Siddharth Bhutiya Siddharth Bhutiya view profile.

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visual c++ - Accessing NI-VISA from Qt C++ - Stack Overflow

Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. Sign up using Email and Password. Join Date Dec Posts For doing that i try to use visa protocol but i don't success to compil anything.

In contrast, lowercase l indicates the library name. This is not right.

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Active 6 oib, 7 months ago. Both are available after the installation of NI Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

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This is the first working version, done in few days, so it's far from being perfect. Hi and welcome to devnet, You're probably experiencing the path with space problem. And it MUST link. There are two problems: Add the following at the beginning of the header file: Any help to solve this compilation error will be greatly appreciated. Different DLL file for different Windows architecture.

visa32 lib

This is not right. Loading More Posts 6 Posts. For bit Windows, both files are in: Email Required, but never shown.

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